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LEAP International Technical Conference

The Leap Conference returns for its second edition, during the period from February 6-9, 2023. Do not miss the opportunity to meet more than 100,000 technical innovators and experts from all over the world to discover creative and pioneering ideas, build new partnerships, as well as communicate with investors and inspirations in #Leap23 , and fly towards new worlds to build a more innovative future.

(4 votes)

Land joint investment agreements

The initiative aims to enhance the return of municipal real estate by entering into partnerships with the private sector according to innovative models that balance revenues and risks to ensure a successful partnership relationship with the private sector.


Increasing community participation by activating the role of municipal councils and the participation of civil society institutions and establishing an interactive platform to present ideas and attract pioneers of ideas and innovators

• This initiative aims to increase community participation and volunteer work and attract ideas from the beneficiaries of municipal services to raise the efficiency of municipal work through activating the role of municipal councils and the participation of


Improving the revenues of the Ministry of Municipal, Rural Affairs and Housing

The initiative aims to improve the revenues of the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs by imposing or amending fees on municipal services and irregularities, or investing in the real estate sector


Improving the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Complaints System (940)

The initiative aims to provide a single platform to receive citizen complaints and respond quickly to them through a unified system that supports the municipalities and municipalities and helps in prioritizing improving the quality of municipal services pro


Improving customer experience by applying a centralized, interconnected system

* The initiative aims to develop beneficiaries' services by studying and improving the customer's journey in the municipal sector

* The initiative targets clients of the municipal sector and stakeholders


Founding day

Saudi Foundation Day is the anniversary of the founding of the Saudi state, and falls on February 22 of each year.

(10 votes)

Facilitating the procedures for obtaining municipal services, unifying and automating them, and enforcing the electronic link with the relevant authorities

* The initiative aims to overcome the existing challenge represented by the multiplicity of procedures and operational models for the enabling and supporting agencies to provide services within the municipal sector and empower their human resources by worki


Evaluate and treat dangerous sites and prepare existing urban roads with the necessary traffic safety elements

The initiative aims to produce a heat map for sites that witness high rates of traffic accidents and to prepare a list of dangerous sites by collecting statistics and data related to accidents, analyzing them, understanding their causes, and identifying the


Establishing a center of excellence for urban design

The initiative aims to establish and operate a center to attract national and international competencies in the field of urban design and areas affecting the urban landscape, such as architecture, urban design, landscaping, environmental architecture, urban

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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