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Establishing a center of excellence for urban design

The initiative aims to establish and operate a center to attract national and international competencies in the field of urban design and areas affecting the urban landscape, such as architecture, urban design, landscaping, environmental architecture, urban


Evaluate and treat dangerous sites and prepare existing urban roads with the necessary traffic safety elements

The initiative aims to produce a heat map for sites that witness high rates of traffic accidents and to prepare a list of dangerous sites by collecting statistics and data related to accidents, analyzing them, understanding their causes, and identifying the


Facilitating the procedures for obtaining municipal services, unifying and automating them, and enforcing the electronic link with the relevant authorities

* The initiative aims to overcome the existing challenge represented by the multiplicity of procedures and operational models for the enabling and supporting agencies to provide services within the municipal sector and empower their human resources by worki


From Business Services to a Citywide Digital Experience: The Evolution of the Balady App.

The Balady app's evolution represents a significant milestone in Saudi Arabia's digital landscape, transitioning from a tool primarily for business owners to a comprehensive digital platform for all city residents.

Service updates

How are car parks added to the license?

Car parks are considered within the building components (car parks), and it is not a separate license, and you can apply for the service of adding and modifying building components.

How are car parks added to the license?

Car parks are considered within the building components (car parks) and are not a separate license. You can apply for the service of adding and modifying building components.

How can I access my canceled licenses?

You can access it through: My Services > My Applications and Licenses > My Licenses Canceled > You can view or print the cancellation scene by clicking on the Print button.

How can I add an old license?

Login to the Balady site, then Balady Services, then Commercial Activities License Services, then Support Services, then Add Old Commercial License Service.

How can I apply for a municipal service request?

Municipal service requests can be submitted through the Balady website, or the mobile application (Balady) and by contacting the call center employee 199040.

Comments & suggestions

For any inquiries or comments on municipal services, please fill in the required information

Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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