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My Requests

Preview the previous submitted requests.

My Requests

The user can view his requests such as (diagnostic review of real estate developers, grievance, evaluation form, submission of classification request, renewal of classification certificate).

My Tasks

The service aims to display previously assigned tasks.

New engineering office classification request

This use case describes how a user can submit a Business Classification Certificate request if they do not have a Business Classification Certificate.

Objection service against non-transfer of license ownership

It happens that there are licenses that were previously transferred from the old owner, but they are still in his account on the Balady platform, and through this service an objection request is submitted to be reviewed and the correct owner identified.

Objection service for cancellation fees

A new supportive service that allows the beneficiary to object to the invoice issued with the automatic cancellation request or the cancellation request submitted by the beneficiary with the ability to specify the objected items and enter the reason for the objection and the ability to attach an attachment.

The application is sent to the Objections Review Committee, and the committee is given options (rejecting the application, accepting the application in part, accepting the application in full).

Comments & suggestions

For any inquiries or comments on municipal services, please fill in the required information

Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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