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Submit a request for classification certificate or immediate accreditation

This use case describes the mechanism for requesting a business classification certificate by the user if he has not previously had a classification certificate.

What is a transaction inquiry service?

It is a service that enables beneficiaries to inquire about the administrative communication transactions that exist in the correspondence system at the level of the ministry and the secretariats that follow the ministry through linking with the central administrative communication system in the ministry (correspondence).

How can I benefit from the transaction inquiry service?

You can inquire about a transaction through the Balady website, the mobile application (Balady), or by contacting the call center employee at 199040.

Can I query any transaction?

The beneficiary can inquire about any transaction received by the Ministry or one of the trusts affiliated with the Ministry.

How can I apply for a municipal service request?

Municipal service requests can be submitted through the Balady website, or the mobile application (Balady) and by contacting the call center employee 199040.

Is there a fee for applying for the municipal service?

There may be fees for some classifications of municipal service applications, which are defined by the responsible employee in the concerned department, as the application will be canceled if the fees are not paid on time.

How can I know the status of a sent application?

The system periodically sends text messages about the status of the application to the applicant, whereby he is notified of the status of the application and the details and data of processing or modifications, if available.

What are the available channels for submitting a complaint?

1. Balady application.
2. Balady website.
3. Call Center 199040.
4. Social media channels.
5. WhatsApp (0548368888 – 0126149779).

Comments & suggestions

For any inquiries or comments on municipal services, please fill in the required information

Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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