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Submit a request for classification certificate or immediate accreditation

This use case describes the mechanism for requesting a business classification certificate by the user if he has not previously had a classification certificate.

Submitting a Report

This service allows the client to submit a note (report) for processing by the relevant authority in the municipal sector, according to specific classifications.

Submitting an objection to a license canceled by subsequent censorship

When the commercial license is canceled through subsequent control, the beneficiary can, through this service, submit an objection request to the concerned municipality to review the application and approve or reject it. In the case of approval, the license becomes valid.

The municipal advisor service

An interactive service provided by the municipal sector to explain and clarify commercial license procedures, terms and conditions for the activity to be carried out.

The service of issuing a license to fence vacant lands

A procedure resulting in the issuance of a building permit or a fencing permit.

The service of objecting to the expiration of the license before submitting the application due to a technical problem

When the beneficiary wishes to renew his commercial license and encounters a technical error in the Baladi system, which led to the termination of the license, he can submit an objection request through this service, and after verification by the competent team, the renewal of the license will be available without calculating the fines fees.

The service of submitting a request to delete duplicate licenses

It happens that there are duplicate licenses in the beneficiary's account for several reasons. Through this service, the beneficiary can apply to delete the duplicate licenses and keep one license.

The service of submitting an objection to a license that does not belong to the beneficiary

Sometimes the beneficiaries on the “My Licenses” page have licenses that are not related to them. Through this service, an objection request is submitted, reviewed, and the license data corrected if it is not related to the beneficiary.

Comments & suggestions

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Last update date: - Saudi Arabia
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